Friday, September 9, 2011

Step 3: The hard part

Now for the hard part. This is the part that everybody hates the most. Here we have the placement tests, the essays, interview, applications etc. Like I said before, now that you chose the high schools. It is time for the high scghools to choose you.

The first thing to do is to visit the school's website. Here you will find a link that has something to do with the applications. There are many bits of  vital information in these pages so read through them carefully. Jot down key points such as requirements, deadlines, and how to get ahead of the game of applications. Always be organized and never procrastinate. The later you turn in your applications, the less likely the high schools are to choose you.

With your parent or guardian supervising you, go through all of the basic application processes such as basic information and deadlines. Then it will take you to a page that shows the requirements. This can include things such as the essays they expect, interviews etc. Please be organized as you will have to do all of this on the computer. I suggest making a separate folder in your document section of the computer called high school apps. Here make folders for the schools you might be applying to. In the next post, I am going to be talking to you about the essays and how you should write them.

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